There are several ways how you can authenticate to the Monerium API. In the following example, you will be using a Sandbox version of the system with client credentials which you can use to test and understand how this fits into your platform.
When you sign up to
create an application, you
will receive a client_id
and a client_secret
. If
you don't have one already, you can follow along by using the sample
credentials in the code sandbox at the bottom. Note
that there are two different client_id
values created for each
application. You must use the correct one depending on whether you are using
client credentials, or authorization code flow.
API documentation:
curl '' \
-d client_id=1234567890abcdef \
-d client_secret=1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef \
-d grant_type=client_credentials
access_token: “YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN”,
expires_in: 3600,
refresh_token: "wB9ehsvvRGKWL7onRAhv1g",
token_type: "Bearer"
API documentation:
A client can have permission to access multiple profiles by creating applications.
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN'
userId: "d92e9039-0773-11ed-8b1f-4a76448b7b21",
email: "[email protected]",
name: "[email protected]",
roles: [],
auth: {
method: "password",
subject: "[email protected]",
verified: true
defaultProfile: "d88499e4-0773-11ed-8b1f-4a76448b7b21",
profiles: [
// client applications default user:
id: "d88499e4-0773-11ed-8b1f-4a76448b7b21",
kind: "personal",
name: "[email protected]",
perms: [
// other users that have granted this application access to their data.
API documentation:
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN'
When connecting a wallet, a profile will obtain accounts for each of the following currencies: EUR, GBP, USD, and ISK for each supported network.
Note that this profile already has an IBAN attached to his Polygon account.
id: "d88499e4-0773-11ed-8b1f-4a76448b7b21",
name: "[email protected]",
kyc: {
state: "absent",
outcome: "unknown"
accounts: [
id: "6da0137e-07a7-11ed-8b1f-4a76448b7b21",
address: "0xfd47C71B650d3445B657a3a864762b1F907f2041",
currency: "eur",
chain: "ethereum",
// GBP, USD & ISK accounts for Ethereum
id: "6db0afb6-07a7-11ed-8b1f-4a76448b7b21",
address: "0xfd47C71B650d3445B657a3a864762b1F907f2041",
currency: "eur",
chain: "polygon",
iban: "FI54 9532 0029 2243 50",
standard: "iban"
// GBP, USD & ISK accounts for Polygon
client credentials.
Click 'Fetch access token'.
You've now learned how to authenticate against the API. You can now dig deeper into the documentation and read about different ways to authenticate and authorize, learn how to place and retrieve orders, and more.